Monday, October 7, 2013

Holiday Strategies for a More Joyous Season!

If you’re like me, you find much joy in the holiday season, but a good deal of stress, too! Lots of parties, lots of traffic, and lots of mad dashes to the grocery store. According to Ronald Nathan, PhD clinical professor at Albany Medical College, “When we think about the holidays, we dwell on the past and what went wrong, or we romanticize it and make it impossible to re-create.” So, what’s the secret to keeping your life in harmony during the holidays? 

I find that writing down my concerns in my journal and connecting with those that I trust helps me navigate my holidays and, what’s more, enjoy them with a greater sense of peace. The Mayo Clinic recognizes these two important measures as parts of a well thought out plan of self-care in times of stress.

Would you like a safe space to talk and plan for a more peaceful holiday season this year? Then join me in a one-hour pre-holiday consultation. We’ll look at your fears and concerns and start you on the path to happier holidays. 
I’m offering this because I’d like to gift you with more peace and joy this year.

There are two upcoming days available! Click one of them to schedule your first call.

If neither of those dates work for you, call me at (760) 533-8141 and we'll find a date that works.

Happy holidays and I hope to hear from you soon,

Karen Silsby


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Starting Your Day Serene and Inspired

"Savor the moment." 
This is ancient wisdom all the way from the Buddha's lips to your parent's. Being mindful, slowing down to see, taste, touch, and feel helps us feel truly alive. It also helps us to engage with ourselves and our sense of gratitude, and helps support our relationships with others.

In a relevant article in Ladies' Home Journal, a study at the University of Edinburgh showed that people who learned new information with their eyes closed in a darkened room, versus those starting a new task, actually retained the information better and longer. In other words: being scattered, in a rush, and always "doing" can be detrimental to processing our lives.

Today, take a few breaths. Step away from the commotion and re-gather yourself in silence. See what a sense of calm brings you.